Chris I'm stoked to see another update! Couple quick questions: what shoes are you running for the stone lifting--looks like some kind of weightlifting shoe with the strap? On the supplement piece are you running the Maximus Building Blocks with extra Mag/D or have you broken the vitamins out to individual instead of multi?
Thanks for the tip on that Con-Cret--I am in the process of switching over to it as I run out of monohydrate. The Con-Cret is a smaller pill burden and easier on the stomach
They're my Monday shoes -- Reebok weightlifting shoes that I like for squats and atlas stones. They're very stable and have a pronounced drop but aren't good for much else. No traction for pushing a sled and not comfortable for running. I recommend Maximus Building Blocks (talking my book / disclosure: a small early investor) but tend to cycle through different combinations of supplements. Magnesium, D, and creatine are top priorities. I like that smaller pill especially since my number of pills can add up right before I rush off to the gym in the morning.
My husband was getting foot cramping, I diagnosed it as a magnesium deficiency and gave him Elete electrolyte, which fixed it—either by supplementation or placebo effect. Love the pic of you carrying the giant rock!
Historically we got it in our diets but modern agricultural practices have leached it from the soil so now almost everyone needs to supplement it to be at our best. Glad it fixed him up! I also like taking my shoes off at my standing desk and rolling around a lacrosse ball to alleviate foot cramps.
Every Sunday at church my wife gets to roll her eyes at me ranting about anorexic Jesus. I understand the symbolism of him suffering, but thinking a deity who worked as a carpenter 2,000 years ago wasn't jacked always rubs me wrong. And the current state of weak Catholic has to be downstream from him being selectively shown as passive.
Current Pope commie isn't it, but maybe next Pope we can petition to add #11
My blacksmith teacher pounds steel with a hammer for hours at a time and has forearms so thick that TSA stopped him to ask what he had underneath his shirt. "Nothing; that's just me". They didn't believe him and had him roll up his sleeves. And shaking hands with him makes me feel like a child. Not only are they chiseled meat hooks but they're permanently blackened and calloused at the base of the thumb (which as I develop my forging callouses will nicely balance my barbell callouses at the base of my fingers). What little hopes I had for a hand modelling career are officially smashed!
Chris I'm stoked to see another update! Couple quick questions: what shoes are you running for the stone lifting--looks like some kind of weightlifting shoe with the strap? On the supplement piece are you running the Maximus Building Blocks with extra Mag/D or have you broken the vitamins out to individual instead of multi?
Thanks for the tip on that Con-Cret--I am in the process of switching over to it as I run out of monohydrate. The Con-Cret is a smaller pill burden and easier on the stomach
They're my Monday shoes -- Reebok weightlifting shoes that I like for squats and atlas stones. They're very stable and have a pronounced drop but aren't good for much else. No traction for pushing a sled and not comfortable for running. I recommend Maximus Building Blocks (talking my book / disclosure: a small early investor) but tend to cycle through different combinations of supplements. Magnesium, D, and creatine are top priorities. I like that smaller pill especially since my number of pills can add up right before I rush off to the gym in the morning.
My husband was getting foot cramping, I diagnosed it as a magnesium deficiency and gave him Elete electrolyte, which fixed it—either by supplementation or placebo effect. Love the pic of you carrying the giant rock!
Historically we got it in our diets but modern agricultural practices have leached it from the soil so now almost everyone needs to supplement it to be at our best. Glad it fixed him up! I also like taking my shoes off at my standing desk and rolling around a lacrosse ball to alleviate foot cramps.
I love the idea of the 11th commandment.
Every Sunday at church my wife gets to roll her eyes at me ranting about anorexic Jesus. I understand the symbolism of him suffering, but thinking a deity who worked as a carpenter 2,000 years ago wasn't jacked always rubs me wrong. And the current state of weak Catholic has to be downstream from him being selectively shown as passive.
Current Pope commie isn't it, but maybe next Pope we can petition to add #11
I know carpenters. I don't know any weak ones.
My blacksmith teacher pounds steel with a hammer for hours at a time and has forearms so thick that TSA stopped him to ask what he had underneath his shirt. "Nothing; that's just me". They didn't believe him and had him roll up his sleeves. And shaking hands with him makes me feel like a child. Not only are they chiseled meat hooks but they're permanently blackened and calloused at the base of the thumb (which as I develop my forging callouses will nicely balance my barbell callouses at the base of my fingers). What little hopes I had for a hand modelling career are officially smashed!
Love that you got to meet the bear from NorCal