You must school yourself in voluntary labors, so that you may be able to endure them when they are involuntary.
– Isocrates
Focusing 100% on the task at hand has been the key to every moment of success I’ve ever experienced, both in terms of productivity and happiness. Struggling with this has been the only negative side effect of my eye surgery. It almost worked too well. Before I could focus only on what was right in front of me. Now I can see much better than 20/20 with no physical side effects. Whenever I’m on the barbell, I more easily get distracted, wanting to look around until my coach reminds me to keep my eyes forward. It is so much more information to take in that I’ve started wearing a cap at the gym just to get a bit of a blinder. All the good stuff comes in this moment – regretting the past and worrying about the future offer nothing. Keep your head down and your eyes forward.
Everyone should have dumbbells by their desk in order to sneak in a few curls while you’re working. These are less than a buck per pound with free delivery which is a good deal.  I’m a Rogue loyalist, but dumbbells are fairly commoditized.Â
This morning’s whiteboard: 5 Rounds –
5 Dips + 1 Traverse
10 DB Snatch 70 lbs.
10 Shuttle Runs
Next run we snake around to hit every trail in the park:
I try to get most of my calories from real food, but with 20 grams of protein and 100 mgs of caffeine, this coffee flavored protein is a tasty way to start the day.Â
This time of year it is nearly impossible to get enough Vitamin D. Vitamin D is for everyone, but supplementing is especially crucial for anyone with dark skin or anyone far from the equator. This makes the short list of non-negotiable supplements. I also churn through different magnesium formulations to see what works best for me. I’m currently on magnesium malate for elevating serum levels and magnesium glycinate for muscles.
40 days are left in 2024. In terms of health and fitness, a lot of people are going to start next year trying to dig themselves out of a hole. Instead, today is the perfect time to sidestep the hole. Sleep, eat, and train well for just 40 days so that you reach next year’s start line with as much strength and as little regret as possible.Â
I’m wearing compression gear virtually full time as part of my recovery from blood clots; the best compression tights I’ve found, Bracelayer, have integrated knee sleeves. They’re comfortable, durable, and work for trail running and CrossFit. After workouts, soaking in magnesium bath flakes is one of my favorite recoveries. This is the best value I’ve seen on them.    Â
If you have little kids, try to get them into climbing as young as possible. My favorite indoor sets are by Avenlur including this and this. For outdoors, Spartan Race’s founder was kind enough to build us a one-off set. This is the best available approximation I’ve seen with some of the same activities. If you (or your wife) have to tell your kids to not climb on the furniture, give them something even better to climb on.
That outdoor climbing set is legit - is it big enough for HS aged kids or just younger ones?
Get on a mountain bike, you'll freaking love it. I'm local I'll show you around.